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Food Types, Treats & Supplements

There are a number of pet food options readily available to pet parents including fresh, kibble and raw. What are these different types and which ones are right for your pet's health and your life.
Guide to Choosing the Best Treats for Your Dog

Guide to Choosing the Best Treats for Your Dog

Have questions about dog treats? How they're made, what's best for training, and what to avoid? Our guide walks you through everything you need to know about dog treats.
How to Choose the Best Fish Oil for Dogs and Cats

How to Choose the Best Fish Oil for Dogs and Cats

Fish oil has been shown to have many benefits for both dogs and cats. However, with so many options, choosing the right fish oil supplement can be confusing. In this guide, we review the criteria and evidence for the four important factors you should consider when choosing a fish oil supplement for your dog or cat: source, quality, natural vs. synthetic form, and dose.
Evidence-Based Guide to Fish Oil Health Benefits for Dogs and Cats

Evidence-Based Guide to Fish Oil Health Benefits for Dogs and Cats

Fish oil offers many proven health benefits for dogs and cats. Before deciding which is the best fish oil product to give to our pets, it is important to understand what properties within fish oil make it so beneficial, so you can make an informed purchase. We will also examine the many benefits of fish oil for cats and dogs and the evidence behind these health claims. 
Dietary Supplements Guide for Joint Health in Dogs

Dietary Supplements Guide for Joint Health in Dogs

Joint pain and disease impact many dogs. There are many treatment options, including dietary supplements which are gaining popularity as a viable treatment and potentially preventative option, addressing more than just the pain, but also the development of the condition, while avoiding the damaging side effects of drug-based treatment methods.
Dog Food Purchasing, Storing, Serving, Safety & Palatability

Dog Food Purchasing, Storing, Serving, Safety & Palatability

The convenience of a food is primarily determined by the effort, space, and equipment required to purchase, store, and serve it. The success of food is when your dog gobbles it up effortlessly. While dogs are usually not as picky about their food as humans might think, differences in food format can certainly affect the desirability of a food.
Dog Food Types & Cost Comparison

Dog Food Types & Cost Comparison

Do you know what the best food is for your dog? Learn about the different types of dog food options available to pet parents, the value each type provides and how much you will spend on each.
The Truth About Treats - Tasty, but Not Equal

The Truth About Treats - Tasty, but Not Equal

When it comes right down to it, it isn't the act of giving treats that encourages us to do it, but the reactions from our pets that make it all worthwhile. In 2008, veterinary nutritionists in both the United States and Australia discovered via survey that 41% of dogs & 21% of cats received treats daily.
Anchovy - The Little Fish with a Big Role to Play

Anchovy - The Little Fish with a Big Role to Play

In recent years, the anchovy has seen a resurgence in the human health food world as an exciting source of calcium, protein, and vitamins. This is great for humans, but what does the anchovy have to offer our pets? It turns out the anchovy is also rich in something particularly useful to dogs: omega-3 essential fatty acids.  
Facts About Kibble

Facts About Kibble

Understanding a bit about how kibble is made is helpful in assessing whether or not it is something you want your dog to be eating. To produce kibble, a mixture of carbs, plant or animal protein, and fats of various quality (and unspecified sources) are mixed into a paste.
What Is A Raw Dog Food Diet?

What Is A Raw Dog Food Diet?

A raw dog food diet (as opposed to a cooked dog food diet) is made of ingredients that are uncooked. Typically they are high-meat diets, but this may include toxin-housing organ meats, or leftover parts of the carcass after the rest of the cuts of meat have been removed.