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How Nom Nom Does Fresh

Nom Nom has built healthy, fresh recipes for dogs and cats. How did we do it? Learn about how Nom Nom has addressed pet food for happier and healthier pets.
Where To Buy Nom Nom

Where To Buy Nom Nom

Thinking of going fresh? Good choice. And an even better choice going with Nom Nom.
Safely Roam About the Country with Your Pets

Safely Roam About the Country with Your Pets

This summer, more than any past, is all about traveling safely and smartly. Especially with our pets. Because they have cabin-fever just the same as us. (Ignore the negative connotations if you’re planning a mountain vacation in a log cabin. Sounds great.)
What To Expect During The First Week

What To Expect During The First Week

Dogs tend to get very excited about starting a fresh diet, so a little begging-for-more is to be expected. But we want the transition to fresh to be easy on their stomachs. That's why we recommend giving your dog half Nom Nom and half their current food for a week and gradually working your way up to full portions. This transition gives them the comfort of their current food while they experience the novelty and excitement of their new, fresh Nom Nom. So even if they beg, please stick to the transition plan, and know that they only want more because of the delicious flavor.
What Is NomNomNutrient Mix?

What Is NomNomNutrient Mix?

The NomNomNutrient Mix has been carefully designed for the nutrient composition of ingredients in each recipe, as well as for the different life stages of your dog. These nutrients are the same as those found naturally within foods.
Calcium Formulation in Nom Nom Recipes

Calcium Formulation in Nom Nom Recipes

There are one or two forms of calcium in our home-cooked dog food recipes - dicalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate. While other dog foods may utilize bone meal as a source of calcium, the danger is that it could contain heavy metals and other contaminants.
How Nom Nom Does Fresh Dog Food

How Nom Nom Does Fresh Dog Food

Here at Nom Nom, we have a unique take on delivering fresh food for your dogs, directly to your door. Most importantly for your dog is that the meals are individually portioned, weighed to the gram so that we know exactly how many calories your dog receives with each meal and can carefully monitor changes over time.