Nom Nom Blog
Diet Types
How to Determine and Maintain Your Dog's Ideal Weight | Nom Nom
Thursday, March 20
How do you know what your dog’s ideal weight is, and how can you help them stay in that range? Nom Nom breaks it down.
The Best Winter Sports For Your Dog
Thursday, January 16
Winter is the perfect season for engaging your dog in physically (and mentally) stimulating activities. And there’s an exciting winter sport for just about any pup.
The truth about kibble
Thursday, May 10
If you randomly polled people on the street and asked about what their dog eats, most wouldn’t have much to say on the subject. We know because we’ve done it. You’ll hear everything from, whatever’s cheapest at Costco, to whichever brand my vet’s office sells. Few people have actually researched ...
The benefits of fresh dog food
Tuesday, May 08
We all know why we should be eating fresh food, but what about our dogs? Human diets have undergone a healthy makeover, yet many of our dogs are still chowing down on crunchy kibble full of ingredients we can’t pronounce , risky fad diets like raw, and processed wet foods. ...
The truth about cooking dog food at home
Tuesday, May 08
There is nothing better than a home-cooked meal, and many loving dog parents take the time to cook fresh for their dogs every day. After a few years of cooking for our own dogs, we’ve learned the hard way…preparing home-cooked dog meals by yourself, while always well-intended, is often guided ...