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10 Basic Dog Commands Every Dog Should Know | Nom Nom

Monday, March 03
Not only are basic dog commands a means of communication, they’re beneficial to a dog’s safety, happiness and overall well-being.

How to Speak Your Dog's Love Language

Monday, February 03
Just like people, dogs express and perceive love in unique ways. Understanding your pup’s “love language” can deepen your connection and ensure their emotional needs are met.

A One-On-One With Wisdom Panel: What You Can Learn From Your Dog's DNA

Monday, July 08
Do you know your dog on a molecular level? Wisdom Panel™ is one of the leading pet DNA tests on the market, and provides dog parents with utterly fascinating, shockingly accurate insight into the true individuals that their pups are.


Tuesday, November 07
Did you know that Nom Nom is 100% reusable and recyclable? Read on for recycling instructions for your box, dry ice, liner, meal packs, and everything else you find in your healthy shipments! Recycling the Box Your cardboard box can be re-used in many ways, or can simply be recycled each ...

Traveling with your Nom Nom

Wednesday, May 09
At Nom Nom, we believe in healthy food that is also convenient– no matter what your lifestyle. As holiday trips come up and you plan to travel with your furry friends, here are a few important tips for traveling with your Nom Nom!